Category Archives: love



The best part about being a hardcore marketing student is IDEAS can pep you up any time of the day. And like Mr.Surve says keeping a book for them is the best answer to having a lifetime-supply of IDEAS.

I came across this beautiful video, calling for entries for the Rethink Scholarship by Langara College in Vancouver famous for churning out the best Art Directors and Designers known to the world.

Check the video out for yourselves and be amazed just as I was..

GROWING UP!!! Part – I


I am very strict when it comes to my own younger sis. Many a times she has to undergo the brunt of my conservatism. I admit, m fairly conservative when it comes to things like children and their upbringing. I don’t have any but this doesn’t stop me from having opinions. It’s the last remnant of my conservative childhood and I hang on to it, because nothing I’ve seen out there has really challenged it or made me even come close to changing my mind. 😉

In my early teens, I wanted to get my eyes brows plucked the moment I saw a classmate sashay down the corridor in her short skirt and that arched eye-look at age thirteen. I had the skirt, but I wanted those eyes courtesy eyebrow-plucking. Those clean face and big eyes that looked so very adult. 🙂

“I think m ready!!” I told my mum as she got her pedicure done at the salon. 🙂

“Girls are doing it very early these days” said the chinky lady who usually did hers. My mum looked at me and laughed and laughed. When she finally caught her breath, she said: “Cheeee!!!!” EOD. 😦

I had graduated high school much before my mom would let me pluck anything at all. And when I got my eyebrows done for the first time at age eighteen for my cousin’s wedding, it was a family affair with one of my Kakis standing over the poor parlor assistant’s shoulder and whispering “Don’t cry, don’t cry!!!” as my eyes watered. 😦

Of course, my mum being a good mother, we did have talks about personal grooming. From manicure to pedicures, cosmetics to accessories, the best part of growing up with a mom and a hoard of aunts is that there’s no dearth of advice on anything, and everything from acne treatments to what is the correct way to apply an eye liner. 🙂

And we eventually talked about growing up – but the emphasis was always on hygiene, not sexuality. In our house, grooming wasn’t just about being attractive. Every summer my Ajji (my mum’s grand mom) would repeatedly remind me that good grooming is about having pride in oneself. You take care of yourself because you deserve it, not to impress other people.

“This is not the way for good girls to walk around the house before the evening lamp is lit” my Ajji would say “You should first wash your face, then powder, put on a kajal-bindi, comb and tie your hair neatly, change into freshly pressed clothes, and then come to the DEVARA to see the lamp. That’s what a gharachi-mulgi does”.

There was a time in my teens, when I totally refused to comb my hair, and become a Scary Spice (I totally adored Spice Girls), nobody pulled me down and forcibly combed my hair or oiled my hair, nor did anyone force me to change my style. At the time, I thought it a victory over the Establishment 😉 Later I was quite puzzled because the Establishment at our home is quite capable of breaking the backs of ‘little guerrilla’ efforts like that. 😦

It took me years before I realized that part of the lesson my Ajji and mom were trying to teach me was that, self-worth is something only you can determine for yourself. If they’d forced me to look presentable according to their stringent standards, as they well could have at the time, it would only have appeased their sense of worth, their image of a family member, not mine.

They had let me be ME. More importantly they instilled the values of “self-confidence” much before the invention of such classes around my house. My Ajji is not with me today, but I miss her immensely. She never got down to bashing us up and making us understand. She always had her ways of making us learn life’s lessons.

My poor-yet-to-be-born-kids, will have an Infantry-Drill with me around for sure 😉



Is he the “Chosen One”?!?!?!?


Have you ever had strong feelings for someone but you are not too sure about him? You felt that he just may be the “ONE” however there may be some doubts lingering at the back of your mind. Or he may be pressing you to take the relationship to the next level and you want to know if this is the right decision. Or you may love him and want to marry him but feel scared about what would happen in the future.

Would your marriage/relationship become a booming success or would you get a broken heart </3 – shattered dreams?

Is he the one or must you search for another?

My gurlies have always been worried about this. So often that, we have discussed this at all the Slumber Parties. What has always worked on deciding if “HE” is the right man for you are  –

1.First think about what it would be like 10, 20, or 30 years from now.

Is he the one you would like to grow old with. The one who would hold your hand and sail you through all the tough times and the one who would sing to you on your 65th Birthday the evergreen famous song “oh! meri zohrajabi, tujhe maalum nahi… ” 🙂

2. Think about what type of husband he would make.

  • Is he a husband material?

If he’s the philander types or one-woman-man types. How much does he believe in the institution of marriage.

  • Would he be able to provide your emotional, physical and financial needs?

4. Is he the type of person you can weather the storms of life with?

This definitely means that do you believe if this person will stand for you and vice-versa.

5. What type of father would this person make? A hands-on one and the one who adores kids or the one you-take-care-of-this-wet-diaper-clad-thingie!! 😐

6. Can you see yourself waking up and living with this person every day?

Meet ups are the ones to give an idea of how we can look, but deep under the tonnes of attitude of a man lies a simple nervous specie who wants to be accepted just as HE is, no-Park Avenues, no- Van Heusens, no- Red Tapes and no- Tag Heurs too.

7. Can he bring you happiness –  not just immediate gratification but lasing happiness?

I know a record number of people who are married to the love-of-their-life and NOW know what happiness is. It can never be replaced with the thrills money can get, its the simple touch of the hands, looking deep into each others eyes and feeling complete, dropping in a mail or a call just to say a HI and raising those heartbeats and many such simple things. Keeping it really Simple is the key.

If you can answer yes to the questions above, well baby you have the right man for you.

What if you are sure about most of the questions but unsure about some of them? Then you need to ask yourself this powerful question – Is he willing to learn or grow in this area? Is he teachable!?!?!

Remember no man will be 100% and it takes Two to Tango, however if he and you have the right spirit,and willing to do what is necessary,it’ll make a brilliant relationship. 🙂



Alrite!! So its that time of the year when the best of your friends leave you and go for higher eds. And this time around its Imran who’ll be leaving to join the prestigious Faculty of Management Studies, Delhi. Boy!!! m gonna so miss you yaar. You are the only one who fills my life with chocolates, lunches/dinners, free rides, free gyan, free daant, free long walks err.. enough i guess!!

I undergo this tragic time every year and thank god rains come and wash away my tears. It started with Chichi leaving in 7th standard. But all thanx to her sarkari-phone (which we later found out it wasnt 😦 ) and loooooooong discriptive letters, I still feel her around me.

After her it was Meds, we weren’t even on talking terms when she left, the usual you-din-tell-me-story but I somehow managed to drop a parting gift in her bag, and after eons when she found out we were back on track 🙂 you for everything and for always BEING THERE..

After Engineering, it was Jags and Imran (yes he’s been away once and its then i realised how much i miss this thickheaded brother of mine). The first time when Jags told me I thought it would be all fine, but when she left i realised the void inside me. No more gup-shup, no more talking abt good looking boys, no more cruising through warden and peddar road on my jet. 😦

Imran was just-a-call-away-buddy, he would be right down my house if he ever heard me even sneeze (ok imi,dun drop ur jaw to the groud its only for the entertainment factor). He’s one guy who pulls me up so badly but then i realise its all worth it. One of the most good-looking guys on this beloved mother earth, I have enjoyed being envied by other girls whenever been out with him. Oh!! not to forget some of my own friends had a crush on him too 😉

Bugs left last year for MBA but she’s been a good girl and been in touch. Hated that moment of separation and distance when we had differences but the big hearted girl she is, she’s forgiven me and forgotten all that.. 🙂

PD had no time to inform us before she left and hence couldn’t meet. But I sometimes feel we are more closer now than what we were when she was in Mumbai. Her FB comments never make me miss her, I read it aloud jus the way she would have said it,  had she been around.. 😉 loudmouth..miss ya.. 😦

Akki was the next punter who’d left Mumbai. Tried to self-satiate that Vadodara was better than Mumbai bt now has finally given up. I really wish sometimes that we three never had to part ways for whatever reasons, I miss them like crazy. We were the bunch of thsoe engineering college teens who’d bunked coll for watching Will Smith movies, to eat that awesome Onion Rawa Sada Dosa, to get drenched in the first rains in Andheri, to watch first day first show of Munnabhai series, to oraganize events at college.. huh.. so much and many more censored stuff. Had it not been for you guys I would have spent my life living a Plain-Jane and not known what LIFE is all about..

Thank you for coming in my life and making me realise, its beautiful just as it. Thank you for coloring it rainbow and  BLACK (I heard it boys).. Thank you for just about everything 🙂